Sunday, August 14, 2005

From August 14th...

sunday afternoon bloggy Current mood: relieved

I am finally free from thinking about standard deviations, ANOVA and t-scores. I took my statistics final and I PRAY to GOD that I passed that final. It started at nine and I did not get in my car until 1:04 on the dot. There was still a lot of people still taking that exam! But the teacher was cool. He broke them numbers down. But let me tell y'all, my brain was hurting like a MUTHA when I left. But I was still able to make it to the L.S. and Chick-Fil-A for some celebratory items. LOL!

- Anyway, I did not know how popular was out there. I was watching some informercial last night, Club TV or some of the like. And they had this club singer on there. I forget her name because I had just woke up from a mudslide and coconut rum sleep but she was all like, "check me out on! I have like 35,000 friends!" Say what?! I only discovered this thing last Wednesday! And she really could not sing!

- Dayum, it is really hot! I really wanted to go walking today but eff that! Dropping my packages off at the post office is enough walking today.

- The Pod is really kickin' it today. I have it on shuffle songs and it just did a Rick James double play, a Teena Marie triple play and then played Fire and Desire. I love this little guy!

Ok, this is getting really long and Reet says she is about to come over to show me her new hairstyle that she does not like. I know it cannot be that bad. Our hairdresser is on vacation so I knew I wasn't going. There is only a few people that are touching my hair! But if it bad, I am going to fix it because I should be a hairdresser. Sigh...
Peace out y'all!

Currently listening: Electric Kingdom By Twilight 22 Release date: By 16 December, 1996

*Update* My statistics grade was a B+! It's October and I am still in shock! I am just glad that class is over!


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