Tuesday, September 20, 2005

From September 20th...

Tuesday afternoon bloggy (missing dollar)
Current mood: embarrassed

Have you ever kept losing money? I had two dollars that have been floating in my purse for the past two days but I everytime I wanted to use that two dollars, it was gone! POOF! But then two dollars would show up again either in my jeans or my wristlet or just somewhere where it was not suppose to be. Yesterday it happened at school and at the WaWa. I had to use my card when I knew I had cash on me! Now today, I was ready to use my two dollars AGAIN at the store in my building. So I am at the counter with my tea and baked lays (yum) and my two dollars is GONE! AGAIN! So I am fiddling around in my purse, telling the man, "I got your two dollars! Trust me! It is in here!" and then ONE of the dollars pops up all crumbled. But I still need another dollar! So I am shaking my bag, going through receipts and telling the guy, "I got another one in here! Somewhere!" By then I am so embarrassed because he probably thinks I am trying to get over! Then a voice out of nowhere..."Here's a dollar!" It was from someone in my office. Extra embarrassed now! But I sure did take his dollar! So at lunch I am telling Cindy and guess what pops up? That crumbled dollar. So I was like, "Bet. I am going to pay the man back right now because I really did have a dollar!" So as we leave from lunch I am getting ready to pay the man back and I lost the dollar again! I could not believe it. So I am going through my purse again, just fussin' myself out. Turns out the dollar was in my pocket. I ran and gave the man his dollar. I was like, "I told you I had a dollar!" He just laughed. So embarrassed!

Currently listening: Unplugged By Alicia Keys Release date: By 11 October, 2005

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