Thursday, November 03, 2005


Current Mood: Somber

I go to the post office a lot because I have a little side hustle business. It's the Bush era, a sista needs to make that extra dough. I go to the Post Office so much, quite a few of the workers say, "Hey girl, media mail, right?" Cool. Good customer service. Love my postal workers. But anyway, when I am in line, I am texting or playing some game on the phone. It's a long line, so I need something to do. One morning I went there and there was a couple in front of me. Well, I think they were THIS close to just laying on the ground and getting their freak on. I'm no prude, but no one wants to see all that. Well not me. At the post office! Ugh!

So tonight I go down there to get my stuff shipped because I won't have time to do it in the AM. Already in a pissy mood because there was bad traffic (Thanks to SEPTA for being on strike) and no place to park. Finally get in line, texting away to "GM" about fantasy basketball (which is so confusing and I need to stick with fantasy football) and all of a sudden I hear, "gurgle, gurgle, moannnn, gurgle, moannnn." I look up and this couple was going at it. Dudey is grabbing the girl's behind and she is all giggling. Ew. For real, I am not a prude, but there is a time and place for all that. In a dark club. At the park. Movie theater. All kinds of places. But not AT the post office.

Or maybe I am becoming a prude...


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