Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Where is my eight inches? (Part Two)

I come outside this morning to leave for work and the faucet for the hose is leaking. What the leak left behind is too funny not to share!

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I am a pretty busy person. Well no, I try to keep myself busy. I am always looking for stuff to do or get into. School starts tomorrow. Gym membership is starting on Thursday. Got other activities here and there to do for the community. And then..BAM! I meet someone. Not going to try to get to mushy (because I hate the mushy type) but he is such a good dude. I cannot stop talking about him to my girls. He took the #1 spot on my myspace.com page and that was strictly for Gems. He cracks me up. He knows the words to "Praise is What I Do." He loves football (not the Eagles but that is ok!). He IMs me throughout the course of the day and texts me until I fall asleep. I can finally say something that I rarely say, "I really like this guy and want him to be my man..." And I actually mean it.

Currently listening to: "Ascension (Don't Ever Wonder)" by Maxwell