Tuesday, September 27, 2005

From September 27th...

martes dias bloggy
Current mood: busy

Hola! Today is my spanish test. Sigh. Very nervous. Anyway, I get these "getting to know you" emails at least once a week and I figure I would post it to my bloggy. Check it out!

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7am snooze...730am snooze...then officially 8am.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds are forever...

3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? "Underclassmen" with Cuz and Lil' T.

4. What is your favorite TV show? At the moment, "My Name is Earl" has already won for my
favorite show this season. It is funayyyyyyy!

5. What did you have for breakfast? Baked Lays and Low Fat Chocolate Milk.

6. What is your middle name? Deborah. NOT DEBRA! De-boor-ah. Get it straight.

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Chinese!

8. What foods do you dislike? Pickles and Ham. GROSS!

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Baked and Plain. Sometimes BBQ.

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I still play Mariah's "The Emancipation of MiMi" and Faith Evans' "The First Lady" all the time!

11. What type of car do you drive? Grand Am..."Black Sheba"

12. Favorite sandwich? Tuna with Provalone Cheese...Tons of Onions.

13. What characteristics do you despise? Ugh a liar.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation,where would you go? Puerto Rico

15. What color is your bathroom? Peach

16. Favorite brand of clothing? If it is fitting right, I am straight.

17. Where would you retire to? Miami!

18. Favorite time of the day? The night-time is the right time.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? Birthday 27 in NYC with Cuz and Kris-Kris. We went to the Shark Bar and the biscuits fell in our martinis. I kept trying to make them eat it! Oh, my friend Tia showed up and I don't even remember! We went to a club and Imani came. Don't even remember that either. At least I have the pictures to see that everyone was there. Blame it on the Belve.

20. Where were you born? Wynnewood, PA

21. Favorite sport to watch? Football

22. What fabric detergent do you use? Whoever is on sale and I have a coupon for it.

23. Coke or Pepsi? Water

24. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl!

25. What is your shoe size? None of your bizness

26. Do you have any pets? My dog, Precious Gems and a Fish!

27. Any exciting news you'd like to share with your family? Nothing is really poppin' right now at the moment.

28. What did you want to be when you were little? A veterinarian

29. Siblings/Ages? My mother's only...sister and brother on my Dad's side. Three step-brothers. But I stress...I am my mother's only.

30. What did you do last weekend? Three day weekend! Got my hair done, went shopping, hung out with Cutty and Neet-Neet on Friday. Shopped and watched some of "The Parkers" marathon on BET on Saturday. Watched the game and celebrated my god-daughter's third birthday on Sunday.

31. Family? Children? Does a 15 year old dog count?

32. Favorite magazine? Allure - I love make-up

33. Favorite store to shop? Sephora - I really love make-up

34. What's your house like? It's so cool!

35. Favorite season? Fall

36. Favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving - The day I was born! I am a turkey baby!

37. Favorite Activity? Hmmmm...keep it clean

38. If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be? Miami or NYC

39. Favorite kitchen appliance? A can opener.

40. If you could play any instrument, what would it be? I have played the violin and cello but I would like to learn the piano.

41. Sports car, mini van, or SUV? SUV

42. Do you believe in the after life? Heck yeah!

43. Favorite children's book? Wild thing? With that gray cute monster? It was years ago...I can't remember.

44. Favorite ice cream? Something off the wall like peanut butter and something. It all depends on my mood.

45. Favorite color? PINK!

There it is!!!! That's me in a nutshell!

Currently listening: The Very Best of Big Daddy Kane By Big Daddy Kane Release date: By 06 March, 2001

Friday, September 23, 2005

From September 23rd...

two something in the morning bloggy...
Current mood: awake

I am a total night-owl. Been like this since I was kid. I guess I don't want to miss anything! All of my friends and family know this. But it's spreading. Tonight, the phone rings at 1:30AM! It's Cuz! She is mad her phone is broke.

Cuz: Nee, my joun is not working!

Me: It's 1:30 in the morning! I am off the clock! Call customer care!

Cuz: You got a spare? I will drive and get it now.

Me: CUZ! Go to bed! Te es loco!

*by the way I am learning spainsh so I try to use it in everyway I can so I can pass my test on Tuesday*

Cuz: OK! Good night!

Sigh! Next thing I know I get a text from my dear friend, Kris-Kris.

Text - "U up?"

She knows I am!

Text - "Yeah"


I realize that people are awake at this time are either mad that their phone is not working or they are watching shows about inspecting about sex.

I'm not missing anything so I am going to bed.

Buenos Noches!

Currently listening: The Very Best of MC Lyte By MC Lyte Release date: By 04 September, 2001

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

From September 20th...

Tuesday afternoon bloggy (missing dollar)
Current mood: embarrassed

Have you ever kept losing money? I had two dollars that have been floating in my purse for the past two days but I everytime I wanted to use that two dollars, it was gone! POOF! But then two dollars would show up again either in my jeans or my wristlet or just somewhere where it was not suppose to be. Yesterday it happened at school and at the WaWa. I had to use my card when I knew I had cash on me! Now today, I was ready to use my two dollars AGAIN at the store in my building. So I am at the counter with my tea and baked lays (yum) and my two dollars is GONE! AGAIN! So I am fiddling around in my purse, telling the man, "I got your two dollars! Trust me! It is in here!" and then ONE of the dollars pops up all crumbled. But I still need another dollar! So I am shaking my bag, going through receipts and telling the guy, "I got another one in here! Somewhere!" By then I am so embarrassed because he probably thinks I am trying to get over! Then a voice out of nowhere..."Here's a dollar!" It was from someone in my office. Extra embarrassed now! But I sure did take his dollar! So at lunch I am telling Cindy and guess what pops up? That crumbled dollar. So I was like, "Bet. I am going to pay the man back right now because I really did have a dollar!" So as we leave from lunch I am getting ready to pay the man back and I lost the dollar again! I could not believe it. So I am going through my purse again, just fussin' myself out. Turns out the dollar was in my pocket. I ran and gave the man his dollar. I was like, "I told you I had a dollar!" He just laughed. So embarrassed!

Currently listening: Unplugged By Alicia Keys Release date: By 11 October, 2005

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

From September 4th...

One thing that I have learned when I type a bloggy entry, I must be sure to copy and paste it to Word because my home computer really hates me. I was ready to do a "Radio Rahim" with this thing last night! Grrr!

Anyway! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! Be sure to remember ladies, no more white shoes or white bags on Tuesday. You know your Mom-Mom would be po'd if you came out the house with white! So I as I hang my white Coach up with sadness...I realize that I can't wait for winter! The boots! The coats! No more frizzy hair days! And fellas, hang up those dirty Timbs with the no laces. I saw too many of them this summer! The above pic is an example:
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A little sad I did not go anywhere this summer. The furthest I went was A.C. to see Faith Evans.
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Reet and I had such a good time. The VIP section at Resorts as usual hooks us up with some bangin' beverages! It was a great show. Broke even on the slots and we were even able to make it back to work in Philly ON TIME and the rain and traffic wasn't even a bother. Thanks again Cuz for letting me play Faith on the Pod on the way up there and back home.
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Hopefully I will find some time to go somewhere this winter. I usually go to Rhode Island every November but with my Theory of Psychology, Biological Psychology and Spanish classes and the computer for seniors class that I will be teaching...I better stay home and focus. Sigh! Okay, let me stop the whine. There is always the spring! The best purchase this summer, hands down was this little guy right here...
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Gems made it through her 15th summer. Her new name should be "Sleep and Eat" cause that is all she does. But she deserves it!
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By the way...if you can, please help those in need due to Hurricane Katrina. Here are some links:

Red Cross - www.redcross.org

American Friends Service Committee Crisis Fund - www.afsc.org

Salvation Army - www.salvationarmyusa.org

Hugs for Homeless Animals - www.h4ha.org

Operation Blessing - www.ob.org

United Methodist Committee on Relief - www.methodistrelief.org

Humane Society of the United States - www.hsus.org

And Wendy Williams will be having a 12 hour radio-thon to raise money this Tuesday! Be sure to listen!

Well I hope everyone enjoyed their summer! Make sure you get all the potato salad, tuna salad, ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers in this weekend because it is back to the grind on Tuesday. See y'all then!

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Currently listening: Robbery By Teena Marie Release date: By 12 July, 2005

*Update...I hope everyone is doing what they can for the Katrina and Rita victims*